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With our Best & Worst of 2020 we are starting to say goodbye to this shitty year. Although we still have two weeks left, it is time to start wrapping up to turn over the page. 

The Best of 2020

Indeed, 2020 is one of the worst years I can remember in my almost 6 decades life time. However, we do have some things to celebrate. 

The end of Trump’s Presidency

Can you imagine four more years of the White Supremacist and his gang on charge? I can, and it is scary. Fortunately, a more progressive and inclusive administration is taking over in December. Even when we are not Biden and Harris’ fans, they are an improvement. Additionally, a Young Black Woman presiding over the Senate, an iconic White Male Dinosaurs temple, is unquestionably one of the best things of 2020.

Black Lives Matter

It is still too soon to tell whether or not the uprising will be consequential. Even if it turns not to be, it will still be a historic landmark. Never before an antiracist uprising was so spread (internationally) and supported across ethnicities. Perhaps we will not see immediate outcomes, but it is a symptom of deep changes taking place towards a more inclusive mainstream culture. In politics, it was the best of 2020, even better than kicking out the orange turd.

The Best of Porn

One of the best things of 2020 was the blossoming of independent porn productions. Out of all the shifts triggered by the pandemic in the Adult Entertainment Industry, this is my favorite development. During these last dark months, we enjoyed some of the best porn produced in years. There is so much to celebrate here, that we will devote several articles to highlight specific developments and characters.

The Internet.

Most of you are much younger than this blogger. I went through all my schooling up to my first post graduate degree going to the public library to take notes on paper. I wrote all my classwork and all my essays with pen and paper throughout my K-12 education. By the end of my college years, when I was in a post graduate program, I had the luxury of using a typewriter. No computer, no word processor, no Internet. TV offered 4 channels, 7am to 12am, black and white until my adolescence. 

Can you imagine this pandemic without Internet? Imagine not only cruising, entertainment and socializing, but also teaching and learning. Indeed, having Internet was one of 2020 best things.

The Worst of 2020

We were able to have a break from hell during Thanksgiving.

It was a tragic year for many people in all countries around the globe. And unfortunately it is not over. As we know, turning the numbers in the calendar does not affect reality. All of 2020 worst developments are still in progress, will still go on, and will contaminate 2021 and many more years to come.

The pandemic

Certainly, we start listing 2020’s worsts with the Mother of all of them. We have lost lives, jobs, lifestyles, love ones, businesses, projects, and much more. Unfortunately, it is not over. I am dare to say that the pandemic will hit worst of the year, two years in a raw.

Of course, the ones who need help the most are the ones not getting any. Corporate America kept increasing its earnings and cashing bail outs while cutting out hundred of thousands of jobs. Despite this pandemic making it so evident, we still do not see the dis functionality of Capitalism. It is disheartening, and it makes this pandemic a double worst of 2020.

USA structural racism

As we said before, we celebrate kicking out White Supremacism from the White House. However, we stand astonished at half of the USA voting for reelection. Not only that, but besides Trump increased his total votes and his share of the Latino vote. Open racism and bigotry may be no longer in the White House, but they are deeply rooted and flourishing in many places in this country.

We even had to cancel our participation in one of our favorite virtual places. After the stand taken by the websites owner in this thread, we did not feel anymore part of that community.

Best & Worst of 2020

I did not know whether to start with 2020 bests or worsts. I decided to burry the worst in the middle of the post, because we do not need another reminder. We watch the news, after all.

It is our intention to focus on positivity from now on. We are not negationists, we just want to celebrate that even in the middle of the darkest times, sex is a source of joy and light.

As you probably know, we are already in porn awards season. Every year, we play with our parodic Best Pingas Awards, but we had enough of that parody. I wanna go 100% real and be as subjective and unrepresentative as the real awards are, without the mask of objectivity.

Therefore, instead of issuing Best Pingas Awards, we will close this year celebrating all our very personal 2020 Bests. All the things, all the people who somehow brought joy to my sexual life will be celebrated these coming days.

After all, I have nothing else to do, I am in vacation in a shut down Washington DC. When I am not with a hook up, I will be writing. Certainly, I will spend a lot of time writing.

Stay tuned.

Hasta la próxima pinga, amig@s!

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