Adam4Adam is one of the senior hook up websites for gay men. It is my main source of young men since I m too lazy to raise the bars.
The times before Adam4Adam
Back in the 90s, when I used to travel to NYC for vacation every year, Internet was in its beginnings. It was the AOL age. However, since its very beginnings, cruising for sex has been one of its main purposes. From Buenos Aires I would prepare my trip all year long, using M4M4sex.com to have a list of contacts willing to hook up. I would print them and come to the States with a folder of pictures and phone numbers ready to use. Yes, I am an obsessive compulsive motherfucker. My friends here would laugh at me, and then sit down to witness the parade going into and out of my bedroom. Ah, the Golden Years!
When M4M4sex stopped being a free service and started to charge, I was desolated. They upgraded the website and I tried it for a few months. It was just not as good as it used to be. The interface was slower and not friendly, the magic was gone. Desperation took over and dragged me to the obscurity of uncertainty. But there is a God of the Sluts and there was a light at the end.
I found Adam4Adam. OMG, I have fucked with so many guys using this website. Please, be aware I am in Washington DC, your city may not be a good place to use Adam4Adam, but NYC and DC are perfect. You have guys of all kinds willing to hook up. Of course the hotter you are the higher your chances for success. The successful hook ups I am having now are much fewer than in my younger years, but it still works.
I wish I could share more information about the guys I am meeting there, but I only discuss professionals who publish on line. The good thing of Adam4Adam is that you can get plenty of sex for free, you can find some very affordable trade, and you also can have professionals. Actually, the PROS section is in its way to disappear. Since the “escorts” category has been eliminated by the webmaster after the Rentboy raid, the number of “masseurs”, “financial advisors”, “freelancers”, and other disguises has not stopped to decrease. Rentmen is taking over the escorts market and Adam is just becoming a regular hook up website.
The website has also an app that you can download to your iPhone or Android. I do not love the app, but it does its work. More than once I was bored in an empty bar and ended fucking an also bored neighbor of the venue, thanks to this app.
Adam4Adam has a paid premium membership that gives you the right to post more pictures in your profile, gives you more room in your mailbox, and allows you to keep messages in your inbox for a longer time. I never felt the need to pay, I only use it as a 100% for free wonderful service. I do not need more pictures in my profile, and when I want to keep a message I can save it before it is deleted from my inbox by the site system.
Tips to maximize your Adam4Adam experience
These are some of the features you can take advantage of:
- You can create a profile with public and private pictures. You may unlock your private ones when
a tempting candidate request so. The pictures are not mandatory, you may have a profile with none, but do not expect any success in that case. Nothing special here, you have the standard features most profiles in this kind of websites have.
- If you are too shy or insecure to start a conversation, you can just send a “smile” to let the guy know you like him. I do not advice using this feature, you would be seen as unfitted and ungifted for the flirting on line and be probably ignored.
- You can save your interesting contacts in a “My Friends” list. I understand there is a limit for the number of buddies you can have if you are not a premium member, but I have never reached that cap. If you save a profile in your friends list, you can add comments. When you are as much of a big slut as this blogger is, those comments are extremely helpful. It is easy to forget what information you exchanged when you are cruising on line with lots of guys. Thank you for the comments box.
- You can check the list of new members to see who just joined. Believe it or not, the number of
freaks and sluts is limited, even in a city the size of DC, and we all end fucking with each other. It is extremely useful to see who are the new players joining the game.
- You can check the list of visitors. Get them to a date before they even arrive. This is also very useful to enrich the pool of local meat.
- You can search the Directory of Members by nickname and by login date. While I am writing this, there are +1200 guys on line in DC, 90.425 globally. This is great to recover a lost contact.
- You can use the site GPS service to identify the members on line close to you. Needless to explain how useful is this feature. Without it, I would have never learned what a wonderful garden of beautiful big pingas my neighborhood is. If we are lucky, I may have some pictures of this to share in the near future. It is hard to find amateur porn models.
- If a member has not disabled this feature in his privacy settings, you can see the list of the last guys who checked your profile. I keep this feature open in my settings, and I choose whether or not I want to leave my trace after checking an ad. You have that option available in all profiles.
- Of course you can block members. There is no shortage of stalkers, but they are very easy to block.
- You can research other cities if you are planning a future trip, and start contacting locals.
- You can set a trip planner, and your profile will show up in all the cities you will visit, when you are visiting them. If you are still not there, your profile will show up in the Visitors menu for that city/those cities.
- You can create or browse events. These are mostly private sex parties, there are plenty of them.
- You can set a filter when you are browsing, targeting profiles according to age, ethnicity, and pictures or no pictures.
Those are the features I use, there are probably more. These websites are like our brains, we actually use just a small part of their potential. It also has a bunch of associated services, hot web cams, sex shop, porn, etc. Now and then I have purchased sex toys in their store. Sometimes they have good sales, but I really use the site only for hook ups.
I strongly recommend this hook up resource, with just one caveat. Some very confused people are there looking for a romantic relationship. Poor things. Do not make the same mistake.
Hasta la pinga!