fosta M4M forums are close

The M4M Forums are closed for the month of December, in order to operate upgrades and provide a vacation to the staff.

M4M Forums are closed for a whole month

In the few years I have been a member of the M4M forums, the virtual community has never been out of reach. Indeed, once a year Daddy would take a vacation and stop publishing new reports in Daddy’s Reviews. However, the forums would always remain up and running.

Mintboys screen shot fo new trends
Mintboys has just updated their design and added premium advertising. Great upgrade. Now that the Forums are down, what about hiring one of the guys in catalogue?

Fortunately, Guy Fawkes (the owner) made the announcement in advance. Even when he did communicate very clearly why and for how long the website will be down, rumors immediately started about the space closing for ever. 

Unsurprisingly, SESTA/FOSTA side effects are still visible, and panicky rumors easily start running. But there is nothing to be concerned about. Once the upgrades are completed, the discussion forums will be back with a more contemporaneous looking interfase.

In the meanwhile, there are so many things we can do (or not do).

What not to do when M4M Forums are closed

Just one of the possible conditions associated with M4M Forums withdrawing syndrome

Do not panic. Out of the sudden, you may suffer acute withdrawing syndrome symptoms. Uncontrollable diarrhea and farting, bad breath, erectile disfunction, weight gain, depression, and suicidal thoughts are usually associated with the condition. 

Gladly, we have some tips for you. Here you have a few things you should avoid doing in order to remediate or try to mitigate the meaningless void life has become after not being able to interact with other addicted fellas:

  • First of all, avoid clinging to compulsive masturbation. Believe me, you can hurt yourself (as a friend told me happened to him). 
  • Secondly, do not start yelling and mistreating your co-workers and neighbors. Believe it or not, creating real interpersonal conflicts in your real life will not replace the quarrels you are missing with your virtual foes.
  • Lastly, and of the upmost importance, do not call Steven Kessler. Who knows what consequences for your mental health could come from being caught by a verbal diarrhea that did not have any release for about 48 hours now.

Things to do when M4M forums are closed

What happened to this guy a few seconds after joining out JustFor.Fans account

Hopefully, you will find out there is life beyond the forums. It is a challenging concept, indeed, but you may learn that real life still brings you some joy. Following, these are some things you can do:

  • Right now, get your favorite hook up app and have some compulsive sex. It is healthier and more entertaining that compulsive masturbation. 
  • If you think you are out of the hooking up game, go to Mintboys or any other escorts website and hire a guy. Then, you will have something to report in January, when the forums are back. There are great gay escorts out there.
  • One more thing you can do is join Boytoy. They also have a discussion forum that is the best resource to learn about international traveling and escorts. Perhaps now they can also expand and become a resource for escorts located in the United States.
  • Also, check I LIKE PINGA every day, several times a day, the best online resource.  Do it compulsively and relentlessly. I wish I could stress enough how important this is. It is a scientific fact that abundant dosis of this blog bring countless health benefits. Even more, if you join our JustFor.Fans account, the FDA reports that your hormones production will be back to adolescence levels. Therefore, your will have long lasting hardwood erections and an insatiable sexual appetite. Furthermore, your ass will smell like Lavender and your digest system will be able to process anything, no matter whether you suffer from lactose intolerance and heart burn. 

The closing of the M4M forums could be a blessing for you

Breath. This temporary closing may be a blessing in your fag life.

Finally, if you pay for your membership to I LIKE PINGA’s JustFor.Fans account with a recurrent bill, there are guaranteed additional benefits. As you know, the Pope is Argentinean, which provides me with a unique channel to The Almighty Christian God. A recurrent bill membership provides you with secure access to Heaven, without delays in the Purgatory. The first member got a date with Jesus. Top that, biotch.

As you can see, this closing could be a blessing for you.

Seriously, support us.

Hasta la próxima pinga, amig@s!

[email protected]


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