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Right now, I am surrounded by the best kissers in the world. Actually, considering their talent, they may be the best ones in the Milky Way.

Enjoying the best kissers in the world

If you are into kissing, Brazil is paradise. Too often I meet guys in other places who are not into kissing. Too many guys in other places think they are into kissing but disappoint you when they think they are proving their point.

If you are in Los Angeles, you can have one of the best kissers in the market: porn star and gay escort Trap

Out of the few cultures I have personally experienced, the United States strikes me as the most reticent one towards kissing. Please, do not misunderstand me, I am speaking in comparative terms. Indeed, there are excellent kissers in the States and in other places outside of Brazil. Each one of the guys I recommend as Best Escorts are excellent at kissing. Well, they are exceptional. In contrast, good kissers are the standard in Brazil.

Beyond my direct personal experience, I wonder whether we can count pornography as a reliable document on how different cultures kiss. Often, I find many Asian porn performers very attractive. However, when I see how they kiss during sex, it is a huge turn-off. The same happens to me with porn made in Africa and in Eastern Europe. Please notice this is not a commentary on ethnicity but on cultural differences. Neither my personal experience nor my porn education supports ethnic differences in kissing.

Therefore, if we accept that the way we kiss is culturally conditioned, we must also accept that we can only talk about the best kissers in relative terms. I consider best kissers those who kiss best according to how we do it in our Western culture.

Best kissers for me

So I apologize if you are coming from South East Asia or from Subsaharan Africa. I do think you are the worst kissers in the world, but I am making very explicit and clear that the standard I am setting for such an assessment is the way we kiss in my culture. After all, we may be terrible kissers for you. Perhaps you should have your own blog to criticize our ways.

Douglas gave me a sample in June of what I would experience in December. He is also the guy dropping the towel in the black and white gif heading this post.

Also, we must make clear that we are in the field of generalizations. Individuals often depart from the norm. I am not saying that you do not know how to kiss well if you are from Thailandia but asserting that in general, in your culture, people do not kiss well for me.

So, what makes you a good kisser? First, you must use your whole mouth, from the lips up to as deep as your tongue can reach. Second, you must enjoy saliva; your passion must thrive in exchanging it, surfing, and scuba diving on it. Besides, various levels of pressure and movements should be present.

Of course, you should be interactive, feeling and responding properly to your partner’s stimuli. Good kissers are like good dancers, they are connected. Finally, it should not feel like the transition towards something else. That is exactly why I do not like the word “foreplay”.

Of course, you can alter the order of those indicators. Ultimately, best kissers kiss as though that kiss is the last experience they will have in life, as though nothing else is wanted or expected, as though nothing else exists. When two good kissers interact, there is no rush; there is only here and now and burning in passion.

An orgy of best kissers

Fortunately, there are outstanding kissers everywhere. For instance, all the guys in our reviews do it in Brazilian style. To bring just two, Trap in the States and Carlos Aleman in Buenos Aires, both have nothing to envy to the best Brazilian kissers.

Carlos Aleman, a Venezuelan lost in Buenos Aires, and an exceptionally skilled lover and of course, kisser. Animation made out of the video available in his Soy Tuyo ad.

Despite my disbelief in generalizations based on nationalities, we are here to recognize an exception. Indeed, a Brazilian passport is almost like a guarantee of outstanding kissing talents.

Before I visited Brazil, every Brazilian guy I met in Argentina was talented at kissing. Back then, I would hook up mostly with Gaúchos (guys from Rio Grande do Sul and other Southern states) and Cariocas. As an illustration, I recently met Douglas, a Carioca escort living in Buenos Aires, and he confirmed the rule.

Right now, I am vacationing in Salvador, the capital of Bahia, in the Brazilian North East, in Afro-Brazil. My vacation is just starting, but I have already enjoyed the benefits of being surrounded by the best kissers in the galaxy. Actually, this post is mostly an intro for future and more specific reports as I add experiences and knowledge in the next few days.

So far, I have been only once in each one of the two most popular gay saunas in the city, and do not want to report in detail until I have been at least twice at each.

A small sample of best kissers

Last Sunday, my first day in Salvador, I went to Sauna Fox, the one considered the fanciest in the city. As soon as I settled in the bar, a boy came and ate my mouth as though the world was ending. Later on, I would be with a second garoto slightly less talented but still outstanding.

On the following day, which was Christmas Eve day, I tried the sauna formerly known as Planetario, nowadays Club 11. Again, I was left speechless by the skillful way a boy took control of my mouth with his tongue immediately after introducing himself.

Hopefully, I will be again at Club 11 tonight and at Fox tomorrow or the day after, and you will have a detailed report about each.

However, you may be disappointed. This blogger is troubled about pictures. After my unintentional indiscretion at the Palm Springs pool party, we had a little bit more drama. Lately, in the Boytoy forums, a controversy has occurred about picture sharing.

Consequently, I have decided to double my precautions to respect others’ privacy. Of course, the escorts deserve the same respect as the clients. Therefore, I will only share pictures with explicit verbal or written consent. I will not even take pictures of pedestrians or beachgoers to share anywhere.

Hasta la próxima pinga, amig@s!

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