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Best Porn Studio 2018 is indeed one of the major categories of these Best Pingas Awards. In a year when competition amongst porn factories was ferocious, it was not an easy decision.

Who said the Best Pingas Awards are subjective?

Falcon Studios GAYVN awards 2019 pre-party. Pictures taken from Falcon’s Twitter stream. Certainly, it could be a picture taken in a GOP convention.

Before celebrating our Best Porn Studio 2018, allow me a side note about other less important but much more advertised awards. I am not referring to the European Awards, I do have some respect for those. Of course, I am referring to the GAYVN 2019 awards.

Have you seen the winners, or even before last night, the nominees? Everything and everyone belong to just a very small group of studios. They all certainly have a few things in common. For instance, each one of them produces the most conventional, artifitial, boring, and staged pornography in the market. Quite different from our Best Porn Studio 2018, you will see.

Even worse, I watched Armond Rizzo‘s acceptance speech (he won Best Duo Sex Scene, with Max Konnor). After his public support to Hugh Hunter back in 2017, it was appalling to witness his giving up to White Mainstream Porn.

Really? Celebrating Noir Male as a victory for non White performers is if not insulting, at least pity. There is a thriving porn alternative market ran by non White producers and artists, we do not need to kiss AVN’s White asses.

However, I do like a lot Armond Rizzo, Max Konnor, and many of the artists involved with Noir Male. Not only that, even if I deeply dislike that porn, I do celebrate that Noir Male exists. Certainly, it is one more option and one more source of work for the performers. I am choosing not to trash them more than I already did. Instead of putting down bad porn, let’s celebrate actual talent in our Best Porn Studio 2018.

Before the Best Porn Studio 2018 Award

Chino Blac, Best Black Ass 2018 for the Best Pingas Awards, riding Texas Bull’s dick. Video available at BreedItRaw.

Despite my open disgust for the GAYVN circus, they did agreed twice, only twice, with the Best Pingas Awards.

They celebrated Alam Wernik as Best Newcomer, when we recognized him as one of the Gay Porn Revelations 2018.

Besides that one, they also recognized Beaux Banks, but actually thanks to his fans. Beaux won a Fan Award: Favorite Butt. We fondly agree with his fans, as we had already honored him as Best Non Black Ass 2018, next to our Best Black Ass, the super fuckable Chino Blac.

Disappointingly, our agreements end there. Despite disagreements and coincidences, the point I was trying to make is evident. The GAYVN Awards deserve as much consideration and respect as the Best Pingas Awards, in terms of objectivity. They reflect a very small section of the Porn Industry, and a tiny array of porn diversity, although perhaps do represent a more significative section of the market.

Perhaps, there is one difference that makes our Awards even more respectable. My bias and my agenda are out in the open.

Let’s forget about it, and let’s honor quality porn.

Best Porn Studio 2018

Two of my favorite performers, XL and Krave Melanin (Best Pingas Awards revelation 2018), kissing. I am a romantic after all. Movie available at BreedItRaw

Certainly, it was not an easy decision. Besides our winner, we thoughtfully considered DawgpoundUSA and Flavaworks. However, the winner of the Best Porn Studio 2018 category of these Best Pingas Awards is Black Rayne Productions.

Just in case you do not know. When we say DawgpoundUSA we are also including Papithugz and ChocolateDrop. They also own an alternative escorts website, Freakwitme, but this one is out of the award competition.

Likewise, Flavaworks also include several porn outlets: Rawrods, Rockafellaz, Cocodorm, MixItUpBoy, Papicock, and I know, holly concentration. Certainly, Flavaworks has been one of the most successful studios taking over former competitor porn outlets.

Our Best Porn Studio 2018, Black Rayne, includes BreedItRaw and RawCityTwinks. Actually, we were planning separated awards for these two porn websites, but finally opted to unify them and reward the mother Production Company.

Why Best Porn Studio 2018

Max Konnor drilling Tae The Doug, and the camera showing exactly what I want to see. Video available at RawCityTwinks.

In order to reward good pornography, first we need to define what good porn is. To illustrate our understanding of quality porn, nothing better than our Best Porn studio 2018. Each one of the other alternatives we considered have some of these characteristics, but none has all of them as our winner does.

After Best Porn Studio 2018

If you do some research, BreedItRaw gave us pearls like this one. Max Konnor before becoming a big muscle super top, getting nailed by Drilla. This is from before Black Rayne updated its sites, you can find it in PornHub.

The Best Pingas Awards are not yet over. Besides, I have two meetings with gay escorts to report, both extremely recommendable. During MAL weekend I was fortunate to have my second encounter with Kevin Ryder, as well as to meet a beautiful and talented newcomer, Roy Mason. In the following days we will publish detailed reviews, but I wanted to share that we fondly recommend both professionals. Kevin resides in Atlanta, Roy in DC.

Besides our reports here, open for everyone, do not forget the exclusive material in our JustFor.Fans page. Right now, we are sharing the visuals we collected during our meetings with Marcelo. Please, support us.

I LIKE PINGA is trying to widen its scope beyond the USA boundaries. Besides our adventures and findings in Argentina and Brazil, soon we will be also adding Ciudad de Mexico. We will be visiting for a few days in April, and expect to have a lot to share with you all.

Hasta la próxima pinga, amig@s!

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