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Loud sex is my favorite sport, or rather my favorite art. I do not mean yelling while having sex, let me explain myself.

Loud sex is not just noise

BreedItRaw and Flavaworks are full of examples of outstanding loud sex lovers.

Besides not about yelling, loud sex is not either about talking. Articulating words, phrases, and sentences require an intellectual mediation. Notably, we are not talking about that.

Perhaps we can accept monosyllables, or elemental phrases like “Harder”, or “Fuck me”, but only if they have been emptied of actual meaning and became the guttural expression of lust. Definitely, I do not enjoy receiving directions.

Instead, I am looking for clues.

When two lovers are in freak sexual connection, their bodies are intimately intertwined. You can feel his shaking, his trembling, his desperate need to become yours. The language of kissing, the agitated breathing, the pressing, the loosing, are all clues for two freak lovers to melt into each other.

And then, we have the moaning. I mean the making not articulated noises coming not from your intellect but from some other much deeper place.

Do not misunderstand me, I also enjoy dirty talk. For instance, lovers like Kevin Ryder or Kavalier know how to drive me crazy talking to me while I am pounding them. However, I do think that the chemistry I reach with guys like Kevin Houstonsbest, Ron, or Carlos Aleman, just to mention a few, is far deeper than anything else. Without a single word.

Loud sex like in Puppy Play

He was a plumber, recommended by a friend. This is back in the 80s, in my apartment in Buenos Aires. We both were gay, we knew it, and there was a clear mutual attraction although we had never met before. However, after four hours working in my bathroom and continuously flirting, no one had made the first move.

Once the work was finished, he asked me for permission to take a shower. I sat in the living room and watched the news. Soon, he came in wearing just a towel around his waist.

I was young and inexperienced, he was even younger. No one had made a move out of insecurity and fear of rejection, even when it was obvious we were longing for each other. We were not even talking, both of us horny as hell, our hearts bitting out of control and the tension almost asphyxiating us.

Without saying a word, he sat in the floor at my feet, and rested his naked back on my legs. I was scared, living this fantasy and afraid or making a mistake and ruining everything. It was the first time I was about to experience a porn stereotypical situation in my real life, without setting a role play scene.

And then something clicked. Suddenly, I realized I had the power. Although I was still very nervous, my silence started to be intentional. Clearly, we were going to fuck and it was not necessary to rush the situation. I enjoyed that power, enjoyed ignoring him when he started to massage my legs, ignoring him and watch the news while he was starting to grab my hard dick, and then he whined like a puppy and I was not able to ignore him anymore.

The power of moaning

Kemon. His moaning was the perfect musical clue.

That was the first time I can recall realizing the power of moaning, or whining in this case. Besides there was another loud sex situation I did share earlier in the blog.

My hook up with the deaf guy also was an insightful learning experience. Indeed he was trying to articulate words, but instead delivering “non sense” moaning. The quotation marks are there because the guttural sound was actually full of meaning.

Since then I have been intentionally looking or these lovers. They are not rare, but I wish they abounded more. Guys who cry like little babies, whine like puppies, purr like kitties, roar like ancient warriors, and the infinite variety of unarticulated noises humans can make, are however not as common as talkers.

Playing a body like a musical instrument, tuning to the sound of moaning, is indeed my favorite art. A words dialogue, with the intellectual operation it needs, is a distraction, an obstacle to reach the existential connection that sometimes is possible throughout sex.

I want more loud sex

If I am not meeting Kavalier, I will probably have a session with Roy

My last mind blowing experience with this kind of lover was Kemon. He will be in DC for a few hours this Friday, if you are available. We strongly recommend this raising porn star. Unfortunately I will not be able to meet him now, but we will fuck again soon.

Instead, I may be meeting Kavalier this Saturday. He is more of a talker, but is close enough and just need some training. Sadly, despite being an out of the charts submissive lover, he is quite bad at communications. I am still waiting for a confirmation for our meeting.

Loud sex or not, I need to hire someone. I owe the members of our JustFor.Fans page. Last weekend was the first one in a long time without a new post there, as I ran out of materials and money. Forgive me, friends, we will have something new this coming Sunday or Monday, with someone in my list of best escorts. Or someone who should be there, as we have not updated that catalogue in a while.

Being broke is not good for the blog, as we only share the details of our meetings with professionals. However, it is good for my time in A4A. The Best Hook Up App 2018 continues giving me hot guys to play with. If you are in the DC are, I strongly recommend Adam. I am meeting a guy this Friday, I wonder whether or not he will be a loud sex lover.

Hasta la próxima pinga, amig@s!

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