Rhyheim & Gael is my favorite collaboration from The Cooperative‘s last expedition to Rio. Not only did we meet a new hottie, but we also got a sample of what is coming with VoyR.
The Cooperative in Rio
Rhyheim & Gael is our favorite one, but not the only collaboration from this trip to Brazil. You know Big Bro. Although he has been in Rio for a few days, The Cooperative has already created more movies than a conventional studio in an entire month.

We have seen Farley and Patrick. As we have more than one photographer in this expedition, I am unsure whether to credit the above picture to AlternativaFV or EyeFilmz. I am not linking the image because I am unsure where it is available. My thanks go to Rhyheim for sharing it.
We also enjoyed the meeting between Caio y Arthur Reizinho.
Finally, while writing this introduction, Rhyheim published the threesome between Elijah, Gael, and Jônatas. More movies will probably come out before I finish this writing.
The four collaborations have something in common. They all have EyeFilmz behind the lens. However, there is a significant difference. The three duos are samples of what is coming with VoyR. In contrast, the threesome is pure Shabazz 2.0 (out of the White House).
Despite all that beauty, we chose Rhyheim & Gael to highlight. Let me explain why.
Rhyheim & Gael timeline
Before boring you with my fabrications, I wanted to start simpler. Below, you will find the timeline of my reactions while watching Rhyheim & Gael.
Remember, this blogger does not pretend to be a porn erudite. We write as porn consumers. I like watching good porn to stimulate my imagination and improve my masturbation. You may have a completely different reaction, although I think most viewers will end the viewing experience with an explosive orgasm.
From the beginning, this blogger sees we are no longer in Shabazz 2.0 Realms. I am not talking about the VoyR logo. Besides the noticeable watermark, there is a light filter, slow motion, AND MUSIC!
I felt a mix of emotions. Of course, I was curious. Besides, the music made us euphoric, as we remembered the old times when Rhyheim could not fuck without music. And the slow motion made me horny. Two hot men kissing and touching each other is titillating enough. However, when you add slow motion, it jumps from titillating to masturbatory nuke. Does that also happen to you?
So there I am, curious, enthusiastic, and horny, for 30 seconds. On the second 31, I started to feel bored. My mind started to wander. What is this? Is it Rhyheim & Gael’s intro? Is the entire movie going to be like this? I also started to pay more attention to Gael, which was excellent for coping with boredom. The boy is nice for my eyes.
After the intro
Fortunately, it was only the introduction. I guess we were too anxious. A one-minute intro does not seem too long in retrospect.
After the first minute, music and slow motion fade, while the filter seems to change to add more color. I feel relief and happy to hear the moaning and the agitated respirations instead of music.
Rhyheim & Gael are hot. Of course, as Gael is the new face, I was particularly charmed by his beauty. I was also delighted by the impressive talent he was already demonstrating this early in the video.
The performers interacted on a window, with the Atlantic Ocean as the background. These are minutes of mostly kissing and exploring each other orally. I loved when Gael naturally positioned himself to ride Rhyheim’s cock in one of the less oral moments. You can feel the vibe between them, and I loved it.
During this section, this blogger is into the action. My only distraction is a slight concern from them playing in the window’s border and falling. However, I confess that the interaction was so hot that I was not much concerned. I am a selfish horny monster.
Rhyheim & Gael both have big, beautiful cocks, and they are consistently hard throughout the 46 minutes of the scene. Gael seems to be light like a feather. On minute 8, Rhyheim lifts him, and they transition to bed. The interaction continues to be primarily oral. It is a pleasure to observe two consummate lovers deeply pleasing each other. It is also a pleasure to watch their boners.
A confusing moment
We were ready for some penetration with the lovers in bed, with their cocks and asses fully lubricated with saliva. Instead, at 10’20”, we saw this:
Suddenly, we move away from the bed and the faded colors and return to the window. These are not new interactions but precisely the same we already watched, from a different camera and with a different color filter.

This blogger got distracted and pulled away by this transition. Or should I say pulled back? I was on a mission. We were ready to see Rhyheim & Gael escalating to the next level, and this transition pulled us back to the beginning. Indeed, I felt like the performer in the above illustration.
But soon, the better light on the lovers and the background pulled me back on track.
Despite being delighted by what I was watching, I could not help but ramble. Why was I watching the same twice? Why was beauty deprived of color for ten long minutes?
I had enjoyed the video until that moment. But showing me these new images made me feel like I had been robbed of something during Rhyheim & Gael’s first 10 minutes.
My dissatisfaction did not last, though—nature in full splendor framing the lovers deepening into each other cured any left resentment.
Rhyheim and Gael back on track
It is hard to remain distracted when the beauty coming from the screen is so eloquent. I enjoy kissing the most from sex, and as usual, in the Neo Vanilla Kingdom, kissing is everywhere and never stops.
At minute 22’45”, we saw the first penetration. Rhyheim gently entered Gael. Although Gael is not a loud lover, his discrete moaning turned me on. I mean, it kept me turned on. I wish I could keep the soundtrack in the gifs.
One of the things that I liked the most about Gael was his maneuverability. The lovers could easily change positions without Rhyheim pulling out.

One of my favorite moments is above. On minute 29′, Gael goes in. As Gael just entered him, Rhyheim pulled him closer to kiss and have him deeper inside.
From there, Rhyheim & Gael flip-flopped a few more times, and this blogger fantasized about fucking Rhyheim for the first time. I had always seen him as a tempting lover but never a compelling bottom. This performance has changed my view.
On minute 34′, they were back to the window. Instead of interacting orally, or should I say besides, Rhyheim & Gael rode each other dicks.
After leaving the window’s border to take advantage of the Brazilian’s lightness, Rhyheim & Gael are back to bed by the minute 37’45”.
This time in bed is a moment of extreme versatility. The lovers flip-flop several times.
Rhyheim serviced Gael with a long and intense digging. Although we noticed Gael coming once, we learned from the dialogue that he did it at least twice.
Once he had squeezed all fluids from Gael, Rhyheim climbed onto the Brazilian dick and rode it until cumming.
The scene, of course, closed with a never-ending kiss and with this blogger running to get some lube and take care of his tesão with a nice jerk-off.
My takeaways from Rhyheim & Gael
Back in February, we wrote Shabazz 2.0. In that article, we summarized the evolution of Rhyheim’s Pornography and described its last stage. Rhyheim & Gael may be the first draft of Shabazz 3.0, which would be VoyR. Let’s take a look at some of the trends I was predicting.
More Versatility
We are far from seeing Big Bro in his maturity as a versatile performer. And yet, Rhyheim & Gael is his best versatile performance so far. Not only does he ride that cock more times and longer than ever before. Besides, we now know he can also enjoy it.
Being Rhyheim the new brand’s flagship, they may emphasize versatility and versatile performers more. After all, we have already seen the upgrade of several “top” performers.
This trend is a reflection of the cultural context. Only dinosaurs like this blogger remained attached to fixed roles. If we are only tops or only bottoms, we should recognize that we are limiting our potential for pleasure. Without feeling bad about ourselves, we all should aspire for versatility.
Hopefully, this trend will also take over mainstream studios. We should stop celebrating fixed roles and rewarding the “top performer of the year,” for instance. Instead, we should reward the “best top performance of the year.” Considering the ability to evolve the studios have shown, we may see that in a few decades.
More artificiality
The first minute of Rhyheim & Gael exemplifies this tendency. As we said in Shabazz 2.0, this is not our favorite trend, as we still struggle with the switch to the White House.
However, a creator can manage artificiality wisely. A one-minute intro looks reasonable; only my anxiety could have made it too long.
Although the other movies officially branded as VoyR do not include this intro in slow motion and with music, it is reasonable for a studio to have a “beautified” short introduction in all creations. In the future, they will probably add subtitles with the cast and the technical card, making the 60 seconds feel shorter.
The bottom line, everything in porn is artificial. It is a matter of balancing, managing, and dosing, which is to say it is a matter of Creativity. Here is where we go to the next point.
More diversity
We were shortsighted when we wrote Shabazz 2,0. We only considered the performers’ side and wholly ignored Creative Diversity.
The Cooperative has been a creative realm with mainly two owners. EyeFilmz was behind the camera, and Rhyheim was behind the edition. Rhyheim & Gael introduces a twist to this reality.
AlternativaFV joins EyeFilmz behind the camera. Instead of one, we have two videographers. We do not have just two cameramen but two video and photo artists with distinctive artistic characters.
I was surprised to learn that Rhyheim edited the movie. Edition quality is perhaps the most noticeable upgrade in the film, and I thought someone else was behind it. But the way Big Bro inserted AlternativaFV‘s work in the final cut was not his wisest decision, in our opinion. Not only did he compromise esthetic unity but also narrative flow, killing my boner for five seconds.
Of course, I assume those first minutes belong to the Brazilian videographer, but I may be wrong.
Beyond necessary improvements, we welcome creative diversity. Hopefully, VoyR will inaugurate an era when not only performers collaborate but all the artists involved in the creative process.
We have followed AlternativaFV‘s work since our last trip to Rio and recognize impressive growth. Our remarks along the timeline do not speak of his quality as an artist but our personal preferences.
More backgrounds
Did I say that the White Headquarters were not my favorite stage? Rio’s beauty was a refreshing change in Rhyheim & Gael. We don’t know the plans once the crew returns to Los Angeles. I am confident that collaborations for OnlyFans will continue in the Whiteness, but I wonder about VoyR’s productions.
It is easy to forget that The Cooperative’s massive production mainly came from only two places: the White Palace and the Royal Pool. The performances are so good that the backgrounds turn secondary and forgettable.
However, nothing should be secondary if we are “upgrading” quality. Beautiful and diverse backgrounds are not a distraction but a highlighter when the videographer is talented. The beauty of sex deserves the most beautiful frames the universe has to offer.
More Neo Vanilla
I never understood this issue. One of the most common criticisms of The Cooperative is that you always know what is going to happen. Yes, I know what is going to happen. Two or more men are about to have uninhibited, and everyone will enjoy it. If they are looking for something else, they are in the wrong corner of the pornuniverse.
All scenarios where two men could not watch each other eyes, kiss, and want each other with no restrains, are outdated. Fortunately, the radical affirmation of sex as a positive human expression that has always been at the core of the Neo Vanilla spirit continues. It is also a reflection of a cultural trend toward sex affirmation.
To this blogger, kissing is the icon of this spirit. Neo Vanilla Porn brought kissing out of the foreplay realm to make it inseparable from sex. Two (or more) men wanting each other without inhibitions is indeed what you always see in The Cooperative’s creations. In Neo Vanilla terms, Sex is always Joyful and happens under the Sun and not in hidden dungeons.
After Rhyheim & Gael
Elijah has just arrived in Rio. The new Brazilian boys are lovely. And soon, Italo will be joining the crew. We cannot wait for what is coming after Rhyheim & Gael. Not only the new and old talents are impressive. Besides, we are curious to see what fruits come from the chemistry between AlternativaFV and EyeFilmz. Many hot, beautiful, joyful creations are yet to come from Brazil.
We are thrilled when we look beyond this trip to Rio. Rhyheim Shabazz’s was a groundbreaking irruption in porn. Big Bro consistently broke all records throughout his tenure in porn. Now, he is about to break ground again.
These are exciting times. It will not be the first time a porn star starts his studio. But never before has an independent creator who works collaboratively created an utterly independent porn studio. It may be a small step for man, but a giant lip for pornkind.
Stay tuned.
Hasta la próxima pinga, amig@s!