Newcomers 2023 is an overpopulated category. This is the selection of our 22 favorite newcomers to the gay porn industry, a mix of independent creators and studio performers.

A Golden Year for porn

Choosing our favorite newcomers 2023 was not an easy task. The fading year has been one of the most productive periods in my porn life, indeed. After the freeze forced by the pandemic, the studios came back strong. Meanwhile, the independent porn boom triggered by the covid crisis continued.

The result was an overcrowded army of new gay adult talent. Additionally, the boundary between independent adult artists and studio performers has become blurred as never before.

So please, forgive us if we have been unable to come with a traditional short list. We tried to leave out some of the guys in this selection, but we felt unfair every single time. This blogger is finding similar challenges to make any selection after this golden year for porn. No more “Best performer of the year“, or “our three favorite performers” for us. Welcome to long lists of favs, as our masturbatory landscape has turned overpopulated.

Today the topic is newbies. However, remember that I am only reporting on the porn I watch. Not only there are much more new faces, cocks, and holes orbiting the Pornuniverse. Besides, some of the guys I am reporting as Newcomers 2023 are new only on my screens.

These are my favorite 22 newcomers 2023. According to the times, it is a mix of independent creators and/or studio performers.

Our favorite among USA newcomers 2023: Sonny Boy

Rhyheim and Sonny - newcomers 2023

We start our newcomers 2023 selection with our American favorite boy. This is his OnlyFans. Of course, you can sample his work for free on his Twitter and Instagram. If you want to bring him from the screen to the sheets, this is his Rentmen ad. Sonny resides in the Washington DC area.

Our favorite among Brazil newcomers 2023: Sandrias

Sandriias August 2023

We also have a clear Number One among our favorite Brazilian newcomers 2023. If you do not know who he is, you are not reading us. Shame on you, and start catching up. Check his work for free in his Twitter and his Instagram accounts. Then, join his OnlyFans. Some of fis best performances are available at

The rest of our favorite newcomers 2023

Sandrias and Sonny are the two only adult artists that I can highlight out of this pack of 22 newcomers 2023. The next following 20 talented beauties are randomly listed.

DixToSexi, my favorite newcomers 2023 lips

VoyR April 2023

Unquestionably, Jefferson features my favorite lips out of these newcomers 2023 little army. Check his Twitter and his Instagram, I bet you would will end joining his OnlyFans.

Gabriel Coimbra

Gabriel Coimbra for Voyr+Naked Sword

When I first saw him, I assumed he was Paulista and I liked him. Then, I learned he was Baiano and my mouth melted. Gabriel Coimbra’s only flaw is that I have never seen him bottoming.

First, start by checking his work on Twitter and on Instagram. No one and nothing will stop you from joining his OnlyFans.

Nick Floyd

Out of all these newcomers 2023, Nick is probably the one that triggers my boner the fastest. He is the image of the new generation of adult artists, with a vast studio library together with significant independent work and an extensive social media network. Check his Twitter and his Instagram, before joining his OnlyFans. Above, find an example of what you will find in his YouTube channel.

Swhirly, one of the most promising newcomers 2023

newcomers 2023 Swhirly and Rhyheim

It was hard to pick between Sonny and Swhirly, as he is also a clear favorite among the group of USA newcomers 2023. Not only has he impressed us with his looks and skills in the sack. Additionally, he displays a natural entertainer talent. Easily, I can imagine him hosting his own gay adult talk show.

Check his Twitter and his Instagram, and you will run to join his OnlyFans.

Will Duarte

Porn drops May 2023

This beautiful man is available for escorting, in case you want to bring the screen experience to your bedroom. I wish all newcomers 2023 had an escorting ad. Check Will’s at Garotocomlocal, he resides close to São Paulo, in the port city of Santos.

However, before calling to make an appointment, you may want to check his Twitter and his Instagram, and perhaps join his OnlyFans.

J.J. Aussie

Rhyheim and JJ Aussie November 2023

Among all the newcomers 2023, I am the most surprised at how the studios have not yet discovered JJ. Check his Twitter, and join his OnlyFans. And when I say studios, I mean Hollywood.


newcomers 2023 Latin_Dick

Up to my knowledge, he is the first Dominican porn creator to collaborate with The Cooperative, and the only one in this selection. Check his Twitter and join his OnlyFans.

Hazel Hoffman

His is another example of the new generation of gay adult artists. As a few other newcomers 2023, Hazel maintain a presence in studio listings, and in social media. First, check his Twitter, and his Instagram. Then, join his OnlyFans.


May 2023 at Rhyheim's

Unsurprisingly, our selection of favorite newcomers 2023 is full of Brazilians. As usual, first check this beauty’s Twitter and Instagram. Unavoidably, you will end joining his OnlyFans.

Rhandy Jr

Rhandy Jr newcomers 2023

This year, Rhandy was celebrated for performing an outstanding scene topping Rhyheim Shabazz. Hopefully, we will see more of this Venezuelan beauty. Check his Twitter, before joining his OnlyFans.

JussBionic, the most radioactive of all newcomers 2023

Rhyheim and Jussbionic

Certainly, we could not leave him out of our favorite newcomers 2023. As usual, start by checking his Twitter account. Then, join his OnlyFans.

Fabi Divani

June 2023 Rhyheim and fabi

Surprisingly, Guys In Sweat Pants is the only studio that has hired him. First, check his Twitter and his Instagram. Then, join his OnlyFans.

Lucas Toblerone

Probably, no one would have guessed that a mask man would make it to my favorite newcomers 2023. Fortunately, we do not need to give any explanations, the reasons are obvious. He is TimTales‘ HUGE discovery this year. If you put together the little pieces of his face available in his Twitter and in his Instagram, you can tell he is a cutie. Lastly, this is his OnlyFans.

Reese Mara

June 2023 at Rhyheim's

Although not many newcomers 2023 do not have an Instagram account, Reese is one of them. However, you can check his smoking hot Twitter before running to join his OnlyFans.

Nelso García, our favorite of all TimTales’ newcomers 2023

Ironically, the newcomers 2023 in TimTales may come masked when they are tops, but they never need any disguise when they are bottoms. Gladly, because otherwise we would miss Nelso beautiful Mestizo face. First, check his Twitter and his Instagram. Second, join his OnlyFans.

Khaos Leon

Rhyheim and Khaosleon July 2023

Although we like Chaos, we absolutely love Khaos. First, take a look at his Twitter account. Then, join his OnlyFans.

Carlos, the least seen of newcomers 2023

Elijah and Carlos July 2023

Certainly, out of all these newcomers 2023, Carlos is the one we saw the least. Actually, we have seen him only once, in a collaboration with Elijah. Check his Twitter and his Instagram, and you will understand why I am longing for more. Of course, join his OnlyFans.

Curly Boy

Rhyheim and Curlyboy November 2023

In a few months, he has probably become one of the most popular newcomers 2023. Certainly, thanks to his Power Bottom skills and his mesmerizing moaning. First, check his Twitter. Then, join his OnlyFans.

Boe Jack Ryan

eyefilmz September 2023

Perhaps he is the eldest in this selection of newcomers 2023. Certainly, he has the stamina of a teen ager with the skills of a grown man. I wish I could trigger every time in my partners the feelings he is infusing into Ty in the image above. First, check his Twitter and his Instagram. Later, you can choose whether you want to join his OnlyFans or his JustForFans.


Danny an d Elijah

We liked Danny since the first time we saw him riding Rhyheim’s dick. And now, he is getting hotter. Evidently, he is moving fast from twink to trunk. First, check his Twitter. Then, join his OnlyFans.

And there are more newcomers 2023

Indeed, there were many more talented and hot new adult entertainers parading into the industry this year. Unfortunately, we cannot celebrate all of them. Although we are wishing to see our favorite 22 newcomers 2023 more often on our screens, we extend our wishes for a successful future to every single artist who decided to start a career in adult entertainment.

Today, we are celebrating the newbies but it is just the beginning. It is the season to joyfully cheer for the amazing year delivered by our favorite adult entertainers.

Stay tuned.

Hasta la próxima pinga, amig@s!

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