An independent porn boom was a beneficial side effect for this tragic year. Welcome to another installment of 2020 PINGA’S JOYS.
2020 Independent Porn Boom

Certainly, the pandemic has been consequential for all fields of human activity. Not because it had caused anything new. Rather than a break, the COVID-19 crisis has been an accelerator. It fueled and sped up processes that were already in place, and the acceleration’s gravitational force is sweeping everything and everyone.
The field of homosexual practices has not been spared. Bars and clubs were already disappearing before the pandemic, although slowly. The cruising scene had already mostly moved to the apps even before the coronavirus showed up. None of these processes started with COVID. However, the pandemic turned a progressive change into forceful imposition.
Specifically, in the adult entertainment industry, the pandemic shut down studio productions. An independent porn boom was the immediate effect. The raising of the fans’ pages that was already in place jumped ahead at warp speed.
On one hand, the studios’ withdrawal left performers with no options. They had to turn to their fans pages and pay them more attention. They had to start their own outlets if they had not yet done so. Although studios had a lot of saved material, the change was evident almost immediately at the beginning of the shutdowns.
On the other hand, performers were forced to collaborate. There was already a strong trend towards collaborations, but after the pandemic the trend turned into norm.
My favs out of the boom
As a result, we had what I am calling an independent porn boom. Indeed, in 2020 the best porn came from independent outlets.
It is easy to misinterpret what we are saying. In my opinion, many independent artists were already producing porn with better quality than studios. They were already competing against each other and against the studios before COVID. What the pandemic provided was not a jump in quality, but instead access to a broader audience.
Indeed, the list of independent porn artists who deserve praise is very long. Fortunately, we are not pretending objectivity. Below, I will share mostly randomly the independent porn artists who brought joy to my 2020.
Rhyheim Shabazz & Eyefilmz

In my pornuniverse (and I think in the gay porn industry) there is a before and an after Rhyheim and EyeFilmz. Probably, these two artists would not like being together in this catalogue.
Clearly, they are two distinctive artists. Rhyheim Shabazz and EyeFilmz have their own independent outlets. Each of them has produced excellent material. They do not need to work together to be a force in the pornosphera.
However, their collaborations have established a new standard for the whole industry. Although working separately they can bit any other artist, the products of their collaborations have no paragon. In our opinion, no one of their individual creations can compete against most of their collaborations.
They had already shaken the market before the pandemic. As leaders of the Neo Vanilla trend, they had redefined mainstream porn. As leaders of the independent porn movement, they had fostered and maximize collaborations.
The pandemic allowed them to reach a larger audience. As an illustration, Rhyheim Shabazz is the first gay porn artist to reach +730K followers in Twitter. Additionally, the new context favored a production strategy they were already fostering. Hopefully, collaborations and cooperation are here to stay.
Judas King
Judas is another important player in the independent porn boom. Not only he has being a prolific adult entertainer this year. Besides, he has been loudly supporting the anti-racist movement and the fight against discrimination in the porn industry and the gay community.
Judas has become one of the recognizable leaders in the fight for a more inclusive culture. He is one of the Neo Vanilla Porn army’s captains in the fight to expand the boundaries of mainstream sex.
Caged Jock
This year, Caged Jock consolidated his place as an independent porn artist and leader. He has opened the path of independent creation even before fans pages existed. Beyond surviving all these years ruling in different niches, this Asian God has expanded his brand.
The Neo Vanilla trend has given him access to a larger audience. Probably, his gain would have been even larger should he was not based in New York City.
Max Avila
This Colombian god is also one of the leaders of the independent porn boom. Fortunately, he is paying more attention to his own production and less to the studios.
Furthermore, it is interesting to observe what is going on out of the States. After all, the pandemic has affected adult performers all over the word.
Medellin is one of the world gay adult entertainment capitals. Clearly, it hosts enough talent to feed a local independent porn hub. Max Avila could be the leader.
Fran and the Rio de la Plata
A region always deserving of our attention is the Rio de la Plata. In my opinion, local adult entertainers are not gaining the recognition they deserve. However, they did get my attention. I am thrilled to observe what seems to be first steps towards a local porn independent boom.
This 2020 following Fran’s social media gave me lots of joy. His new OnlyFans has been very active. Although I have not yet joined, I am planning to.
His is not the only porn talent in the area. Take a look at Lonso Leone. He is one of the many imports to Buenos Aires from Venezuela. Lonso has been a local leader in independent productions for a few years now.
Kendro has been one of my favorite performers for years now. Until recently we only had his Twitter and his Instagram to follow. Fortunately, the independent porn boom has pushed him to open his onlyfans. This is very fresh news, we hope his production will be appealing.
Another popular performer in the area is Will Schokolade. We can follow his Twitter and his Instagram. Unfortunately this Uruguayan deity has not yet opened his one independent outlet.
More Independent porn boom performers
Of course, there are many more performers shining. These are merely the few ones in the top of our podium. Consider, for instance, that under The Cooperative umbrella we have many outstanding new players.
Surely, we will highlight some of them in other incoming 2020 PINGA’S JOYS issues. Meanwhile, we must celebrate some 2020 performers. We appreciate all the joy brought like artists like Krave Melanin, the Brazilians, James Anthony, Elijah Zayne, Aaron Chu, Roxas, Yona, Jimmy West, Bad Kid, Kuper, Shakur Lamir, Phat Rabbit Killer, Chino Blac, Devin Trez, Trap, and Porfi. Of course, I bet you I am forgetting more than one.
Once again, allow me to insist. These are the guys in my porn stream. The boom is much bigger than my little personal pornuniverse. Surely, you have your own favorite guys to follow, and it would be nice if you are willing to share who they are.
The independent porn boom is my favorite 2020 Pinga’s Joy. However, it is not the only one. Stay tuned, because more is coming.
Hasta la próxima pinga, amig@s!