porn drops

With these Porn Drops we attempt to summarize some of the last events in the gay adult entertainment business. Do not forget, we do not pretend to report on the whole industry. After all, I LIKE PINGA is just a personal blog.

We are not experts at all

I am not an expert

We are excited. Despite not investing in advertisement, our following is growing. Not only we are about to reach 15K followers in Twitter, but our traffic is also growing consistently. I know it is not much for today’s social media standards, but I am surprised at our success. After all, this is a blog written in English by an Alien Boomer who is still improving his mastering of the language.

As a consequence of the numerous new readers, we need a few reminders before going for the porn drops. This blogger is not a specialist on anything. Our intention is not to develop an authoritative source, but just to share and vent our personal opinions and experiences. Please, remember that when you read my opinionated articles.

This article is about porn. However, we do not pretend to know everything about the industry. Gay Adult Entertainment is a huge business and, to be honest, we do not care about most of it. I only write about the porn I watch and the sex I enjoy, which are both little drops in a massive ocean.

That said (again), please follow me to learn about some great and not so great developments that took place so far in 2021, in my little pornuniverse.

Showers, rather than porn drops

rhyheim foursome for porn drops

Although we will report these porn drops without following any order or priority, we do want to start with the most important development. Indeed, it is the consolidation of Neo Vanilla Porn as an influential trend in the market.

In my disclaimer I said that my opinions are not representative of anybody. However this one opinion is not just mine. The trend led by Rhyheim Shabazz and EyeFilmz has practically become mainstream. The amount of premium quality porn coming from The Cooperative has no paragon during this pandemic.

One Million Followers

rhyheim and his dogs

Not yet, but some time this year Rhyheim Shabazz will reach that benchmark. It is hard to believe that in just a couple of years he has achieved such level of success and influence.

Not only the quality of his porn is unmatched, but also his work culture is ground breaking. We have written a lot about the Shabazz boom. That is why these porn drops are only announcing the soon coming historic record. Once Big Bro reaches the mark, we will write a celebratory post (AGAIN).

The Rey is back

Eric Rei

Despite his name, this Brazilian Prince is not yet a King. However, who cannot see a throne in his future? We were appalled when he vanished after his solo with Rhyheim. Fortunately, Eric Rey is back and delivering his maturbatorily nuclear performances (I love making up new English words). Hopefully, we will see more of his collaborations with The Cooperative.

The cubs keep nonstop delivering porn drops

Felix fox and rhyheim porn drops

One of the things I like the most of Rhyheim, is how effective he is hunting new talent. We have been celebrating the immigration of new permanent residents to our masturbatory landscapes almost since the beginning of his porn career. After the last time we wrote about it, there are several new ones.

However, these are just porn drops and we cannot highlight all of them. We choose one. Pay attention to Felix Fox. Unfortunately, his Twitter account is suspended, but you can enjoy his talent through other collaborators’ outlets.

The studios keep sucking

Unfortunately, all we keep getting from the studios is bad porn and scandals, really bad porn drops. Directors and owners accused of abuse and harassment. Accused directors blaming their victims and whining because they cannot get a contract. Porn stars abusing their privilege to cheat on covid vaccination plans. Overall, just ugliness. This is not our specialty, but you can find generous reporting in Str8upgayporn.

It is sad. As we are coming out of the pandemic, the studios are a legitimate source of employment for many artists unable to develop an independent name and brand, for whatever reason. We do want the studios to get better and be successful. It is impossible to recommend the crap they are delivering, though.

There are always exceptions, though

TySatana and Des Irez

Despite the disheartening panorama, a few studios are still delivering hot porn. Indeed, Guysinsweatpants keeps bringing to us hot diverse performers, and excellent porn performances, just as they always did before the pandemic.

However, they are publishing new material with less frequency since covid entered into our lives. Hopefully, they will soon be back to gift us with weekly deliveries of new hot sex, instead of the few porn drops we are getting now. Illustrating this porn drop, two of their new talents, Ty Santana and Des Irez.

Former Number Ones dropping tears instead of porn drops

We caught an episode of this show with several guest porn stars. A couple (not most) of them used to be Number Ones until Rhyheim Shabazz disrupted the Pornosphera, and seem to be venting their grievances.

We used to like these guys. Actually, we still do. I would even say that we empathize with their predicament, or rather sympathize.

I mean, it is tough to be the Number One and be sent to the second line pack by a newcomer to the industry. It is tough to see models in your own agency leaving you because they are more successful (and happier) working with someone else. Indeed, anyone self esteem would be hurt when reality presses us to recognize that we are less talented and less influential and less recognized that we thought we were, or that we think we should be.

But I do not feel any empathy when you are publicly attacking your competition. Even when your competition never had a public word or gesture against you. When someone does that, I smell Loser. To make it worse, the main argument seems to be their longer experience.

We are confident that the porn industry is just as any other field, When the best a worker can bring in his support is his years of experience, he knows he would lose a conversation about his talents.

Carlos Maranhão or Freddy Mercury’s buff Black twin?

Carlos Maranhao or Freddy mercury

Porn drops sometimes come with a mustache. Have you seen Carlos Maranhão latest pictures? Although he has always worn different facial hair designs, this is the first time I see him with such a thick, old school manly black mustache. I love it.

Where are the Brazilian Porn Drops?

Will prado

Covid is hitting hard Brazil, and their porn industry is suffering. Perhaps you did not notice, but there is clearly much less Brazilian material showing up in my networks. We do have one good news for these porn drops. Will Prado, a prominent member of the Brazilian branch of The Cooperative, has now his own OnlyFans.

Although we have not yet seen the content, we can see that there are already almost 50 videos published in this new independent porn outlet.

Will is from Porto Alegre, where also offers his services as a Garoto de Programa. I cannot wait to see his collaborations with the hottest Gauchos men from Brazil!



As we warm up for our incoming expedition to Buenos Aires, we are researching interesting people to meet. Of course, I am talking about taxi boys, but not only about them.

We learned that Argentine President Alberto Fernandez’ son is a drag queen. Actually, I am not 100% sure as I need to research more whether or not he identifies as such. Nowadays, I am behind with the politically correct identities, and perhaps he may prefer to be seen as a cross dresser. We do not know.

We do know that he looks hot both, with and without his drag queen mask. Dhizy seems to be a local popular DJ and contra cultural icon and I cannot wait to learn more about him/her, even if these would not be porn drops.

Judas King is back

judas king porn drops

Where was him? I was missing his videos, but apparently now he is back, and so fuckable as always. We have not seen new porn material yet, but just a few pictures of his chiseled body and adorable smile.

Best porn scene of the year (so far)

rhyheim pseudo bottoms for krave

Have you seen Krave and Rhyeim’s scene? No other scene this year has brought together two performers of their stature. They delivered a smoking hot scene with Eyefilmz, I am sure you have seen it but perhaps have not yet read our report. The scene is not only a Viagra missile, but also an eloquent testimony oh how old and new talent should work together.

Changes in the Discussion Forums


Even when these are not porn drops, we are still in our blog’s scope. Our two most favorite discussion forums in English about sex work are going through some chances.

BoyToy does not exist anymore as such. That former website has merged with Gay Thailand to create a new mega forum to share knowledge and experiences on sex workers all over the globe.

After Daddy’s passing, the M4M forums are also going through readjustments while the community waits for a court decision on the state. The forums have migrated to a new server and the thematic folders have been redesigned. Additionally, a switch to a new software is on preparation.

Enough porn drops

As the USA seems to be reopening, we wanted to make a summary of some of the most relevant developments in our little tiny Pornuniverse. I hope you find interesting at least some of the porn drops we chose to highlight.

Although we usually do not focus on negativity, the few bad porn drops shared today have a relevance that places them above just mean gossiping. Let’s not forget that 2020 was a year of awakening on racial and gender relationships. The failure of some actors in the adult entertainment industry to learn anything from the popular uprisings and from the independent porn boom cannot be disregarded as mere gossiping.

Switching topics, it is hard to contain my natural anxiety. I have not been in Argentina in two years and cannot wait to hug my octogenarian mother and my friends, and to fuck my old fuck buddies. But I specially cannot wait to meet new young and talented lovers. So far, Buenos Aires has always been a very generous city.

Hasta la próxima pinga, amig@s!

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