Are Rentmen Reviews reliable, or not? After a long time, welcome to a new episode of The School Series, where beginner Johns get their education.

Rentmen Reviews

Rentmen Home Page foe Rentmen reviews

Let’s start with a disclaimer: I stopped hiring escorts in the USA at the beginning of the pandemic. As you can see in the illustration on top, my last hiring was Beaux Banks, back in December 2019.

Actually, that was my last hiring in the USA from Rentmen. After Beaux, I continued hiring guys from Friendboy and other alternative sources. My last contract was $ 100, right before the lockdowns. If you hire from Rentmen, good luck to find someone below 300.

However, many of our readers still contact us to ask for references or advice. One of the most frequent questions is about Rentmen Reviews. Are they reliable? Should I pay attention to them?

If you go to sources like the M4M Forums, after short research you will find that mainstream opinion is that we should ignore them. This is not the only topic where I hold the minoritarian position. Let me explain why I think we should not ignore Rentmen Reviews.

Against them

no para Rentmen reviews

Many think that Rentmen Reviews are not actual reviews. The less informed ones think that it is a stars scoring system and not real reports of the experiences. They probably think so because they are based in the USA, where the narratives are hidden. However, travel abroad or use a VPN tool to hide your location, and you will be able to see them.

The better-informed ones think that these brief reports, often one or two sentences, do not qualify as real reviews. Nevertheless, it is not the amount of information that the well-informed clients actually question.

Their main issue is that the information would not be reliable. They think so because there are examples of Rentmen Reviews that have been edited in their content or even negative reports that suddenly vanish from the escort’s background. As an example, this blogger had one of his reviews edited beyond recognition. If I do not share that example is only because the profile does not exist anymore.

Additionally, there is no evidence of a serious vetting process to verify the reviews’ authenticity. Yes, they only accept reports from clients who made de contact through the Rentmen platform. But yet, the contact can be made from a ghost account, and reports can be traded.

In my opinion, these well-informed clients are partially correct. Rentmen Reviews are not reliable and we should not base our decision only on them. Let me explain.

In favor of Rentmen Reviews


My opinion is that Rentmen Reviews are indeed questionable, but yet may provide useful information. On one hand, let’s take a look at the very reports.

Even when we know that we should not fully trust RM Reviews, in some cases, they are evidence of quality. Each individual case must be carefully assessed. Let me share one example.

This is Allen’s Rentmen profile. As you can see there, he has 141 reviews and an average of 4.97 stars. If you look for him in our Gay Escorts Reviews you will find our very detailed reports. Such an overwhelming amount of positive feedback does mean something. You can fake a few reviews, but more than 140 reviews over four years must mean something. Still, you should not leave it there.

The Rentmen platform allows you to see who is the review’s poster, and even contact him. You may be lucky and recognize someone you know and trust (I am Lat4blk in Rentmen). But you can also reach out to other reviewers you do not know and ask for more details. You can also check what other reviews they have submitted. When I used to do it, I would choose five reviewers to contact. I never got a response from all of them, but at least two always responded.

On the other hand, there is no source of gay escort reviews 100% reliable. The most reliable bank was the extinct Daddy’s Reviews. And yet, there were cases where dishonest reporting went through the cracks. Additionally, we have our own bank of gay escorts reviews. And yet, these are all experiences reported by one single person, which diminishes their significance even when they are honest.

Because of all of that, we say that you should consider Rentmen Reviews as one more source of information.

Diversify your sources

Please, notice that I said that you should “consider” the information in Rentmen Reviews. And even so, they are just “one more source of information“.

My point is that we should not discard any potential evidence, and we should not fully trust any either. Indeed, we should check Rentmen Reviews but also look for other sources. Needless to say, the best information is a direct reference from another client.

If you do not have any in your circle, there are options. You should look for input in the M4M forums. After Daddy’s passing, that is the place keeping on his heritage. We wrote an article about the website a long time ago and, although some changes have taken place, the essential is still relevant.

When you are curious about an escort, go to The Deli. Once there, use the search engine to check whether the guy you like has already been discussed. If not, you can open a new 411 thread. If you include a link to his ad, the chances are that you will get information if anyone in the community has hired him before.

As my resources are limited, I always research a prospect very well. But even if you are wealthy and able to waste money, I am sure you want to avoid not having an excellent experience. Do your research. Diversify your sources of information, and do not let any without checking. Always check Rentmen Reviews, but never check only them.

Stay tuned.

Hasta la próxima pinga, amig@s!

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